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pur sang การใช้

  • In 2011, the rebuilt car was purchased from Pur Sang by Jay Leno.
  • Two of his most sought-after wines are Pur Sang _ thoroughbred _ and Silex.
  • Even if GH WAS an artists'collective " pur sang " it still wouldn't warrant inclusion due to their insignificance at "'this "'time.
  • The Limousins recorded in the Herd Book were known as " Pureblood " ( literal translation of the French " pur sang " ).
  • :: as a regular sword / weaponwielder / master I have to say : Actually a sword with a heavier tip is not harder to handle pur sang.
  • The French " pur sang " is normally the name given to English thoroughbred horses, although in the context of Limousins the English translation " Fullblood " is commonly used.
  • Gian Francesco Malipiero said of Martucci's second symphony that it was " the beginning of the rebirth of non-operatic Italian music . " Martucci was an instrumentalist pur sang, taking'absolute music'as his highest goal.
  • Lope boasted that he was a Spaniard " pur sang " ( pure-blooded ), maintaining that a writer's business is to write so as to make himself understood, and took the position of a defender of the language of ordinary life.
  • Unlike in most countries where the thoroughbred is almost exclusively used for jump racing, many of the horses in French jump racing are AQPS ( Autre Que Pur Sang ), a breed of horse developed in France crossing thoroughbreds with saddle horses and other local breeds.
  • During the period July 2007 to June 2008, the French Herd Book comprised a main section ( " section principale " in French ) divided into the original Pureblood ( " pur sang " ) class and a newly created Purebred ( " race pure " ) class.